In the years ahead, when the pandemic is long behind us, people will remember how their companies made them feel during this difficult time. As you lead your remote team, it’s important to ensure that they stay positive and have confidence that your primary concern is their welfare — here’s how.
Track productivity. Using productivity tools makes it easier for everyone to stay up to date on the status of ongoing tasks and help you spot problems. Use these apps to empower them to better manage their own time and coordinate with the rest of their team.
Make time for face time. Make yourself available. Don’t reach out to your employees only to assign a task or to check on the status of a project. Let them know that you care about their wellbeing in and out of the office.
Avoid isolation. To create an inclusive and engaging work environment, it’s important to carve out time for team building — even if it’s virtual. Encourage socialization during the day and continue to celebrate personal employee milestones.
Provide resources that foster positive thinking. Empower your employees with the support and tools they need to stay productive and healthy. Implementing mindfulness into your workplace encourages people to reduce stress and anxiety.
It’s easy for people to fall into the trap of thinking that certain things can’t be done right now because the situation we’re in is so far from what we’re accustomed to. Supportive leadership can help employees shift from a negative to positive mindset as they find new ways around any roadblocks.