It may be time for you to consider whether you should switch your job search to a new, more promising sector. But how do you capture the interest of a prospective employer when you have no experience in the field? You may have a greater chance of success if you approach your search from a different perspective.
Consider what transferrable skills you have. Start by looking at every aspect of your work experience, including day-to-day responsibilities, projects, and various tasks you have handled. Take a look at job descriptions in the industry you want to target and identify the skills and qualifications they are seeking. Compare your list of skills to the list of desired skills and see where there’s overlap.
Hone in on industries that are hiring now. If your employer furloughed you or you were already in the midst of a job search when the coronavirus arrived, you’ll want to shift gears and focus on those industries and employers that are able to continue to actively hire. A little research goes a long way here.
Look into interim employment. Reach out to companies offering interim jobs in the field that interests you. Let them know you’re open to any interim or contract work that becomes available. You can make connections and start learning the skills that should enable you to find a job in your chosen industry.
Despite the uncertainties ahead, this is a good time to think about where you want to be in the future. This is the time to be honest with yourself and get into a career you love. The passion, energy, and credibility to flip to a new industry are much more likely to come through on something you love rather than merely tolerate.