“The most effective leaders focus on beating the odds by making bold moves early. They don’t wait for trouble to arrive. In fact, the best crisis leaders have a mobilized team on the ready against certain scenarios. They continually build resilience through intentional planning followed by decisive plans of action. They are on track to weather whatever storm appears on the horizon and to deliver sustainable, inclusive growth in the years to come.” – Bert Miller, President & CEO, MRINetwork
The push for gender equality at the executive level in British businesses is picking up steam, and the UK is now in the top 10 countries that have the most boardroom gender diversity. A recent Deloitte survey revealed that nearly a third (30.1%) of all UK board seats are held by women, a significant increase from previous years like 2016 (20.3%), 2018 (22.7%), and 2019 (19.4%). And though more women have “a seat at the table,” the survey also showed that more work is needed to put the UK in line with other European nations, like France, whose boardroom representation sits at 45% as of 2021.
Globally, companies who are headed by a woman see more gender-balanced boards, compared to their male counterparts. Women currently account for 6% of CEOS in the UK, just a 1% increase from 2019. The pressure for companies to expand their gender equality has surmounted, with support for change stemming from key stakeholders and shareholders, as well as the talent pool full of The Great Resignation candidates.
Having more women in the boardroom can drastically increase once an organisation’s culture shifts. Some important issues that are waiting be addressed include improving childcare provisions, offering flexible working as standard, and giving women promotion opportunities.
Read more at On the Rise | HRO Today.
Japanese shipping giant Nippon Yusen Kaisha is to take part in a tidal power project planned for Singapore, as the emerging marine energy sector gains traction. The demonstration project, run by Singapore-owned Bluenergy Solutions, is focused on the development of off-grid tidal power systems. The hope is that they could one day replace diesel generators.
The scheme will see three-bladed turbines — parts of which bear a resemblance to the ones used on wind farms — deployed underwater. NYK said it would be working on three areas as part of the off-grid project: energy storage, the cost of power generation and the efficiency of power generation. Established in 1885, Tokyo-listed NYK is involved in bulk shipping, air cargo transportation and logistics, among other things. This project is its latest foray into tidal power. It was previously involved in a project that installed turbines beneath the Sentosa Boardwalk, which links the Singapore mainland to Sentosa Island.
According to U.S. database Tethys, tidal barrages are “typically built across the entrance to a bay or estuary” and produce electricity by harnessing “the difference in water height inside and outside of the structure.” The International Energy Agency has said that “marine technologies hold great potential,” but adds that extra policy support for research, development and demonstration is required to reduce costs.
Read more at Japanese Shipping Giant to Take Part in Tidal Power Project | CNBC.
U.S. companies are turning to Latin America to find top-notch talent, according a report by Entrepreneur. The region is now one of the most reliable places to access high-end developers through nearshoring because companies can leverage a low-cost labor market, rich natural resources and an expanding consumer market.
Nearshoring in Latin America, says Entreprenuer, can benefit a company in several ways, among them:
- Better communication and no time differences. Many tech companies in the United States consider Latin America nearshoring because outsourcing is straightforward with minimal glitches.
- Similar legalities. Intellectual property laws are essential when it comes to software development. Since outsourced specialists are nearby, they understand the laws and know how to navigate them when situations arise.
Latin America has been producing savvy software developers, and it isn’t showing signs of slowing down. With the shortage of technology experts globally, especially in the U.S., Latin America is well-positioned to collaborate with tech firms.
Read more at Why Entrepreneurs Are Looking Towards Latin America for Nearshoring Opportunities | Entrepreneur.
Article provided by MRI Network.